There are several factors that affect your overall health. Remember- it's important to consider all types of health- Mental, Physical and Emotional. Health and Wellness are high priority and can affect every other aspect of your life.
Managing Your Diet
Portion Size
Eating too much or too little can be problematic. Portion size recommendations can vary depending on each individual, but there are general recommendations out there. (Like meat servings should be the size of your fist)
Drink Water
Water is life! In addition to being healthier, staying hydrated with water is free of calories or additives, it can also aid with problems like digestion, acne, and energy levels.
Practice Mindful Eating
It's very easy to eat when you're not actually hungry. Eating doesn't help your stress or boredom. In the same vein, making sure to eat is equally as important!
Eat in Moderation
Moderation is the key a healthy life in general. As a general rule, keeping it healthy is preferred but every once in a while it's OK to indulge in junk food.

Physical Fitness
Do What's Best for You!
While other modes of transportation may be quicker, walking gives you the chance to clear your mind, stretch your legs, burn a few calories and even relax after a long day.
Make Physical Activity Fun
For some people, traditional gyms are boring. Luckily, there are many ways to get exercise. Make it fun for yourself! Dancing, jogging, rock-climbing, sports and biking are all fun ways to get a workout in.
Bring a Buddy
Having someone to support and rely on can make it easier to put effort in. It's also a good way to keep up with your commitments.
Take Advantage of Open Space
The world is your gym! If you're a student, your school is most likely surrounded by grassy areas, parks and even outdoor tracks and fields.

Mental Health
Mental health is complex. It can affect your moods, behaviors and thoughts. It's important to pay attention to signs and stay healthy.
Reach out
Whether it's depression, anxiety or something else, it can be easy to keep to yourself. Many individuals feel embarrassed or ashamed to voice their struggles. You aren't alone, and talking to a friend or professional is a great way to work through your emotions. When you talk about your feelings, you can understand how to
Know the signs
More often then not, there are signs that someone is having a tough time. Signs ans symptoms of mental health can vary depending on the circumstances, disorder and other factors. Follow this link for more information.
Be kind to yourself
No one is perfect. This is a fact. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself when you aren't feeling like yourself.
Get moving
Certain excercises, like jogging, walking, dancing, swimming and yoga have been proven to reduce anxiety and depression. Exercise increases blood circulation to the brain and often produces feel good hormones, like endorphins.

Sexual Health
Keeping up with your sexual health means taking care of yourself, where you're having sex or not. There are both physical and emotional aspects. Both are equally important.
Consent is an agreement between two people to engage in sexual activity. Both people must agree to sex for it to be consensual.
Anyone can change their mind about what they want to do, anytime.
Practice safe sex
Practicing safe sex is concerned with protecting you and your partner from sexually transmitted infections. Anyone who has oral, anal, vaginal sex or genital contact with another person can contract an STD/I.
There are many ways to practice safer sex. The most common and effective way is using some kind of barrier. These include condoms, dental dams, and internal condoms.
Get check ups regularly
Regularly being tested for STD's will aid in having a healthy sex life. Accidents happen, and the absence of symptoms doesn't mean you're in the clear. Testing is the only way to for sure whether a person does or doesn't have an STD.
For more resources visit Planned Parenthood.