Financial literacy is an important part of post-secondary success. Although it can be challenging, there are many resources that can help!
1. Debt Recovery
Debt recovery is when a loan—such as a credit card balance—continues to go unpaid, and a creditor hires a third party, known as a collection service, to focus on collecting the money. Debt recovery is important because it is directly correlated to your credit score. There are many organizations that help individuals with debt recovery such as the National Foundation for Credit Counseling.
Urban Upbound is an organization that provides financial counseling, employment support, and income support services.
The Financial Empowerment Center offers professional one-on-one financial counseling as a free public service.
2. Understanding Your Paycheck
Nerd Wallet has great resources to help you understand you paycheck, income vs. net income, tax deductions, etc.
Investopia is another great resource to learn more about investing and your 401k.
3. Student Debt and Loan Management
The Institute of Student Loan Advisors (TISLA) offers free student loan advice.