Alternative Pathways
College is not the only pathway to achieving your personal, financial, and career goals. After high school, there is a wide-open field of education and employment opportunities available to pursue, and you can arrive at your first job in several different ways. You may choose to go to college right away. You may choose to start a different type of education/training program. Or you may choose to delay the start of your postsecondary education and use that time to explore other opportunities.
Career Training:
Apprenticeships and Skills Training: A training system that produces highly skilled workers to meet the demands of employers competing in a global economy. A Registered Apprenticeship ensures quality training by combining on-the-job training with classroom instruction
Civil Service:
Internships: Temporary employment and learning experience with an organization, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification: Internships help you build professional skills, learn more about different industries, and can lead to future job opportunities.
Paid Fellowships and Service Learning: Service-Learning is a form of experiential learning where students apply academic knowledge and critical thinking skills to address genuine community needs. In some cases, students can earn a stipend during or after completing their term of service. Opportunities include:
Civil Service Careers: Civil Service Careers are government jobs that require taking and passing a competitive civil service examination in order to gain permanent appointment.