Applying to COLLEGE
Personal Growth - Opening Doors
Learn More, Earn More
Thinking about pursuing a college degree? Research indicates that a college degree continues to be a valuable asset, even with a changing economy, new types of careers, and new ways to work. Not only will a college education provide intellectual stimulation and social opportunities, but earning a degree also offers some practical benefits, like personal growth and opening doors to new opportunities.
Preparing for this next big step can be nerve wracking, but your peers and “I Have A Dream” staff are here to help you! Here are some important steps in the process:
1. Research and Visit Colleges.
2. Create & Finalize Your List of Prospective Colleges
3. Ask for Letters of Recommendations.
You can request a recommendation letter from a guidance counselor, a teacher, an IHDF Program Director, a coach, a club advisor -- any adult who can
4. Choose Which College Apps You'll Be Using.
There are a few different ways that you can apply to the schools of your choice.
Online Application via the college’s website
5. Write Your Essay.
6. Consider Tuition Costs and Financial Aid Qualifications
Try to relax. Don’t let fears or excuses prevent you from achieving your goals.

Important links
There are nearly 900 Colleges and Universities using Common App. The site isn't just useful for applying, there are also several helpful resources.
Whether you're looking for more information on a College, SAT/ AP Test, Scholarships, Majors or Careers, this is the place.